At MetCredit, our Code of Ethics has three simple components—each of them articulating one of our most essential guiding principles:
The MetCredit Code of Ethics
- The individual must be respected at all times.
- The customer must be given the best possible service.
- Excellence and superior performance must be pursued at all times.
This clear and concise Code of Ethics affects everyone who works at and interacts with MetCredit: our management team, employees, clients and every one of the debtors with whom we communicate. It’s an integral part of our brand promise.
This is why all of our collection agency offices have our Code of Ethics displayed prominently on several walls: our staff members must see these words daily and reflect on them, using their message to measure our responses to virtually any professional situation we encounter or initiative in which we engage.

The Code of Ethics and Management
For the MetCredit management team Canada-wide, our role is to lead by example and verbally reinforce the importance of our Code of Ethics to each employee, from new hires to team leads and our management peers. We have to walk our talk all day long, every single day.
The Code of Ethics and Employees
From our administrative staff to everyone on the collection floors in Vancouver, Edmonton, Montréal and Toronto, our culture of respect, service and excellence should be reflected in everything we do: from the smallest task to the most daunting, in our actions and on every call we make.

The Code of Ethics and our Clients
It may seem obvious that a business should strive to respect its clients; at MetCredit we believe in taking this farther. We deeply respect our clients’ business and its need to be maximally profitable. In our busy workday, we take the time to reinforce the value of our clients and understand how their business success is closely rooted to our own. Our agents’ conduct is a reflection of the clients’ brand reputation. Every client interaction should exemplify the best in customer service, and at no moment is the pursuit of excellence and superior performance more important than in engaging with MetCredit’s precious clientele. Every single thing we do is for the success of our clients.

The Code of Ethics and Debtors
Outsiders to our business, and especially those familiar with our competitors, are consistently amazed how profoundly the MetCredit Code of Ethics affects our interactions with debtors. On each of the thousands of daily calls our agents make, the ethos of respect for the Individual must shine through. Our work can be difficult, highly challenging and at times outright stressful. We encounter a vast spectrum of debtor responses, from eager cooperation to vicious, unfounded accusations. At all times, our agents are mandated to lead and respond with respect: a collector’s principal goal is to help the debtor find ways to pay the debt. Most of the time, genuine respect is contagious. And there is no single part of our work where our culture of respect is more meaningful in differentiating MetCredit from competitors than in how we interact with our clients’ valued customers.
The MetCredit Code of Ethics has a proven trickle-down effect. It’s delightful to see it in action. In several instances we’ve had consumer debt collection calls lead to a new career at MetCredit for the debtor (once the debt is paid in full of course), and our B2B debt collection calls often lead to new clients when business debtors experience the effectiveness and respectful conduct of our commercial debt collection agents.
Our Code of Ethics is vitally important to me personally: it has helped guide my career and acted as my own True North in making important business and personnel decisions. It’s part of our Secret Sauce: others have tried to copy it, only to learn how impossible it is to replicate into a pre-existing corporate culture. It’s simply got to be in the company’s DNA and consistently infused to every new hire. I’m very proud and grateful that MetCredit is built on foundational core values of excellence and genuine respect.
It’s what gives meaning to every day, and fuels our ambitious goals for the future.